To access any of our services please contact us.
- Food and hygiene pantry available at the community cafe Monday to Friday, deliveries 7 days per week.
- MONDAY – warm space, hot meal, food and hygiene pantry, cold weather packages, advisors (to be confirmed, see Facebook page for updates). Open 10am-2pm
- MONDAY – English lessons for speakers of other languages 5.15 – 6.15pm
- TUESDAY – SEND support group 5.30pm – 7pm
- TUESDAY – Monthly resident’s meetings 10am-12pm
- WEDNESDAY – warm space, hot meal, food and hygiene pantry, cold weather packages, advisors (tbc) 10am – 2pm
- WEDNESDAY – MENKINDE, men’s support group 6pm – 8pm
- THURSDAY – mental health support group 10.15am – 11.15am. One to one sessions available.
- FRIDAY – warm space, hot meal, food and hygiene pantry, cold weather packages, advisors (tbc)10am – 2pm
- SATURDAY – monthly visits to Beacon House care home
- Further groups and events will be advertised on the Facebook page.
All our services are free, no appointment necessary.
If you need any help, please contact us.